Last year my best friend Jenny lost a lot of weight. Desperate, I met up with her to try and find out how she did it.
I didn't have much hope, and expected her to say the same old thing that everyone else says... it's all diet and exercise.
Jenny surprised me by telling me that she doesn't exercise and her weight loss was not the result of any diet or crazy pills! She said she ate all her favorite foods and still lost weight.
"How is that even possible?" I asked in disbelief.
Jenny explained that she was in a similar position as I was about a year ago. Luckily her doctor knew about a new weight loss study that yielded excellent results.
Her doctor introduced her to this all natural morning coffee loophole that literally changed her whole life.
"How come my doctor didn't tell me about this?" I asked. "Many doctor's either don't keep up with the latest weight loss studies, or don't tell anyone" Jenny replied.
"Why wouldn't they tell anyone?" I asked in disbelief. "Because most health issues are obesity related. If everyone knew about this study and obesity was eliminated, most doctors and pharma companies would go bankrupt" Jenny replied.
I was shocked! 😲 I wrote down the information and thanked Jenny for the advice.